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For Staff , For Families

Facebook and Instagram ACTIVITIES

Our social media platforms have been full of activity these last eight weeks as we have been home and busy with e-learning for our campers and staff. During COVID-19, we wanted to bring a little bit of Banner to your home each day. If you have been watching live, thank you and keep it up.

We appreciate your support as our leadership and staff have been leading a lot of fun activities. Leadership and staff have been sharing storytime’s, musical talents, yoga, sports instruction, art activities, workouts, cooking, Zoom Banneramas, STEM science, meditation, braiding tutorials, TikTok challenges and many more activities. Try some of them out and watch our videos on Facebook and Instagram.

Banner Day Camp FACEBOOK Page

Banner Day Camp’s INSTAGRAM Posts

Be sure to comment and let us know which ones you have enjoyed. If you have an idea of what activity you would like to see, send us an email at fun@bannerdaycamp.com – we would love to see if we can share some more talents over the next few weeks. Be safe, stay healthy and stay at home and keep busy! The safety and well-being of our campers, staff and parents is always our number one priority.

We also hosted a STARFISH Goal of the Week at HOME CHALLENGE and would love to see you send in photos, videos or activities that show how you have been showing the STARFISH goals at home – APPRECIATION, RESPECT and FRIENDSHIP are just a few to share with us. Send your updates to fun@bannerdaycamp.com and we can post your GOAL of the WEEK and highlight what you have been doing at home. Keep it up BANNER campers. We miss you and hope to “see” you very soon.