Working At Camp is a Real Job
Working at Banner provides opportunities to develop transferable, marketable skills in a hands-on, positive work environment.
Every position at camp gives you the opportunity to engage in decision-making, behavior management, and living ethics – all necessary leadership skills for today.
Networking Opportunities
Connections with other staff, camp families and alumni can provide a link to possible internships or future job opportunities in a variety of careers.
Marketable Skills
As a member of our staff, you will become part of the Banner family. We are a group of devoted individuals who believe in the goodness and potential of each camper. The role of Banner staff is to give each child the best camp experience imaginable – a summer filled with fun, laughter and friendship.
Letters of Recommendation
Camp directors and supervisors get to know you on a personal level while working together all summer long giving them important insight to help your letters of recommendation stand out with colleges and future employers.
Ongoing professional development not only sets you up for success in your job at camp, it is directly transferable to future opportunities.
College Credit or Internship
You may be eligible for college credit in some cases or be able to use your camp staff experience as an independent study, practicum or internship experience.
Earn competitive compensation for your summer work – all while learning skills, spending time outdoors and making connections that will last a lifetime.