Registration Summer 2018

Priority Registration is now open to returning camp families for summer 2018. Thank you to so many of our families that have already registered for next summer! We appreciate having your campers come back for another summer. THANK YOU!
June 18 – August 10 (8 Week Session)
June 18 – July 13 (1st Session)
July 16 – August 10 (2nd Session)
Returning camp families only can enroll today and take advantage of the tuition savings for next year!
Online enrollment is easier than ever.
STEP 1: Click here for the returning camper application.
STEP 2: Enter account number and password.
(Call the camp office if don’t know your account number or password.)
STEP 3: Enroll any siblings that will be attending camp next summer and take advantage of priority rates.
New Camp Families registration will open September 1 for enrollment. Be sure to let us know if you would like to be added to our mailing list for the early registration information.