Interactive Nights

Kindergarten and First Grade Interactive Night is Monday, July 21 from 5:45 pm to 7:45 pm. Mark your calendars! Campers who have completed kindergarten and first grade will ride the bus home from camp and come back for an evening of activities and cookout. Come dressed to participate in Camper’s Choice and a group game to end the evening.
- 5:45 – 6:00 Arrival & Activities
- 6:00 – 6:15 Bannerama
- 6:15 – 7:15 Cookout and Camper’s Choice Activities.
- 7:30 – 7:45 Age Level Activity
There will be no swimming for campers or parents. We are looking forward to seeing you there!
Second and Third Grade Interactive Night is Tuesday, July 22 from after camp for campers and 5:00 pm for parents to 7:00 pm. Campers who have completed second and third grade can stay after camp if they choose for an after camp snack and swim! Or campers and parents will join in the fun at 5:00 pm and enjoy a cookout and highlights of our elective programs.
Campers are invited to stay after camp and need to RSVP at
- 3:30 – 4:00 After camp snack
- 4:00 – 5:00 Free Swim
- 5:00 – 5:20 Group Activity
- 5:00 – 5:20 Parent Arrival
- 5:30 – 6:30 Cookout in the Grove
- 5:30 – 7:00 Elective Activities
Tween Interactive Night is Wednesday, July 23 from after camp for campers and 5:15 parents arrive to 6:45 pm. Campers who have completed fourth, fifth and sixth grade can stay after camp for an after camp snack, Tween Club Activities and a pool and DJ party with their families.
Campers who are staying for the night need to RSVP at
- 3:30 – 4:00 After camp snack
- 4:00 – 5:00 Tween Club Activities
- 5:30 – 6:30 Dinner at the Pool
- 5:15 – 6:45 Parent Arrival & Pool and DJ Party
For Banner Beginnings and Junior Camp preK, visiting day will be Friday, July 25 from 10:15 am to 12:30 pm. Campers who have completed preschool and prekindergarten will be showcasing a camper’s follies, swim skills and enjoy a lunch with their families. We are so excited to see our camp families at Banner next week!